

Karolina Grzywnowicz

WRO Art Center
Widok 7, Poland
50-052 Wrocław

+48 71 343 32 40


What do the Wroclaw trees remember about? Have you got your favourite tree in the city? Do you know any interesting story connected with trees?

Share your story with us!
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regulations of designating
personal natural monuments


For the personal natural monument can be considered: single natural living, or their clusters of a particular personal value, which witnessed of important events in the life of individuals or groups.


The granting of the personal natural monument status is assigned in the case of a tree that has an interesting story behind or is intended as a commemoration. In the case of a forest, a grove or an alley, all the trees are protected, regardless of whether the memory addresses a single specimen or the whole: the objects are treated by and large as a unique emotional composition. The protection is also extended to: a) particular species of shrubs (e.g. a hazel, a dogwood, a buckthorn, a bladdernut, or others), b) sites of rare herbaceous plants, c) and especially touching specimens of flowering ivy.


The granting of the personal natural monument status is assigned upon application form available on After having satisfactorily examined your request, the Committee of Designating Personal Natural Monuments – represented by the initiator of the action, Karolina Grzywnowicz – grants the status of a single or collective personal natural monument. The object is entered in the register available on the website.


The project is aimed exclusively at keeping one’s memories.


Everybody can fill in an application for a personal natural monument. The application should include a written memory or an anecdote, and information to identify the object: is it a tree? A bush? Or any other? Where is it located (e.g. street, house number, name of the park)? You can attach a photograph, a drawing, a map, or any other visual material to it.


Death of the tree designated as a personal natural monument is not synonymous with removing its protection. These trees are under protection even after death: until their spontaneous, complete breakdown, or death of all the persons to remember the story, or the expiry of the monuments’ register.


The Committee of Designating Personal Natural Monuments can disestablish the personal natural monument upon specific request of the interested, or the loss of the monument’s value, or if it is necessary to ensure public safety.